Do I have to book a minimum number of lessons?

We ask for a minimum booking of 4 lessons; we contact both you and your teacher after the first first lesson to ensure that you both “gel”.

 If everything is to your satisfaction, lessons continue; we ask that you book a minimum of 4 lessons at a time for any further lessons.

There may be some discounts available should you choose to make a longer booking (greater than 20 hours) language course.

We will contact you towards the end of your booking to enquire whether you wish to book more lessons.

Our clients’ comments:

“In 2004, my daughter Abigail decided to run the Great Wall Marathon for charity and stayed on afterwards to discover the country as well.

As a surprise Christmas present, I decided to organise a few lessons in Chinese so she could make the most of her trip. Conversation Piece were very helpful; they suggested that I purchase a gift voucher so that my daughter could organise the lessons when she was available.

Abigail was delighted! Her teacher came to her flat and gave her a crash course in basic tourist essentials as well as a few tips on Chinese culture. She said that it really made her experience in China unforgettable!”

Sue B. (Nottingham)